
My 1:1 coaching helps you design and enjoy your life.

Receive regular support from a Certified Professional Coach

Ok, but seriously…

Does this sound familiar?

You’re exhausted from taking care of work or others’ needs.

You’re not sleeping/eating well or exercising as much as you want.

You’re frustrated from trying to figure out how to fit everything in. 

You’re tired of breaking promises to yourself. 

You’re beginning to worry you may never be successful. 

You’re worried you’re going to regret not living life to its fullest. 

It doesn’t have to be like this…

Now imagine if…

You have enough time and energy to do what you want. 

You sleep 8 hours a night, eat foods that serve you, and exercise regularly.

You know exactly what to include in your schedule and what to exclude. 

You regularly set boundaries with yourself and others to protect your priorities. 

You accomplish your goals over time. 

Your live every day doing what you want with the people you love. 

Change starts right here

What my clients are saying: 


I’m only one meeting in and Nicole’s coaching has already had a transformative impact on my life goals. Before meeting with Nicole, I had a fuzzy picture and big ideas that were all over the place, leading me to feel inspired but stuck. Through questioning, Nicole was able to guide my thoughts and support me in developing a concrete plan to reach my goal. I feel exponentially more focused and am now confident in my ability to make moves and reach my goal. Thanks Nicole!


When I reflect on my time with Nicole, I see how much I have grown as a person. During our first year of working together, I met almost every goal that I had set out to meet (and the one, I chose to pivot; another, I settled into for now, growing within that situation). I could not speak more highly of the professionalism yet personal aspect of the coaching relationship, of the suggestions and tools all while empowering me to draw upon what already existed inside of my own person. Life coaching with Nicole is a gift in my life. Yes, we have all what we need within to accomplish our dreams, AND often we benefit from help, from collaboration, and from guidance. Thank you, Nicole!


I was in the middle of a huge transition in my life when I started coaching with Nicole. I had just moved to a new city, started a new career, and began a masters program. I am glad to have been coached by Nicole. When she and I connected we were able to reach action plans and results in a short time while not compromising an empathetic touch. If you are looking for efficient and empathetic, Nicole is definitely the right coach for you!”


Before working with Nicole, I had been spinning around in the same circles and not feeling enough agency to push myself in a different direction. Through her questioning, she helped me see how much of my path is within my control, and helped me craft next steps that perfectly align to myself and my specific goals. I feel like I have a clearer vision of what I want, why it matters to me, and how to get there. I could not recommend working with Nicole enough— she is thoughtful, warm, validating, and incredibly impactful!


My life was an overt mess before working with Nicole: I was in a dead-end relationship, felt lack-luster about my career, and carried immense body image baggage. I believed that I was too big and too much, to be wholeheartedly seen and adored for who I was. Nicole, as an empathetically engaged coach, kindly confronted this manner of self-denigration in our third meeting. Her steadfast support served as a turning point in my world.

Nicole is a warmly analytical presence, someone who values interpersonal connection, choosing joy, and growth for her clients above all else. She endlessly encouraged my development in a myriad of manners, introducing me to enneagrams, intuitive eating, and self-development works along the way. This exploration lead to new relationships, a career pivot, and an Ivy League grad school. After working with Nicole for three years, I can confidently say that I am proud of the person I am, proud of my not-too-big or not-too-much self!



1:1 Coaching
with me

My 1:1 coaching helps you live the life you want by teaching you to align your life to your values and priorities.

Individualized vision and goal setting

No matter who you want to become or what you want to achieve – I help you to see it and believe it’s possible. 

Evaluation of how you’re spending your time

We will take a deep dive into how you’re spending your time, where its serving you, and where you want to make changes.

Clear priorities

We’ll use your vision and goals to get clear on your priorities. This enables you to know what you want to spend time on and who you want to spend time with. 

Guidance on how to design the life you want

Whatever you want to accomplish can be achieved through consistent daily action. I’ll help you determine how to align your time with your priorities in order to achieve the results you want.

Support with navigating obstacles 

I help you stay on track with your progress by anticipating and planning for how to combat any obstacles that may arise. 

Between call support and celebration

Whether you need help navigating a new obstacle or experience a win, or simply have questions, I’ll be there to support you in between coaching calls. 

You can either:

Try to

Figure it out on your own for years struggling to find what works


Choose to

Jumpstart your success by starting today with an expert coach


How does 1:1 Coaching work?

METHOD: I will call you weekly or biweekly depending on the package you select. You receive guidance on a topic of your choice for an hour.

RESEARCH-BASED: I share best practices based on research and my own personal experiences as well as my coaching certification and degree in Psychology.

MENTORSHIP: You can reach out to me in between coaching calls for support or to ask questions. 

How long are you accepting clients?

Applications are available now, but coaching spots are limited. Apply now to see if you’re a fit for my 1:1 coaching program!

When does coaching start?

Once you’ve applied, had your Clarity Call, and we’ve decided you’re a good fit, we’ll review your life vision and goals. Then, you’ll pick the date and time of your first coaching call! 

How do I know if I’m ready?

Send me an Instagram DM @nicolejoy_lifecoach if you have any questions prior to booking a Clarity Call! 

How do I sign up for 1:1 Coaching?

Click the button above to complete an application to determine if you’re a good fit for my 1:1 coaching. Once you’ve applied, you’ll be redirected to Calendly to book a Clarity Call with me.